Strategic Resilience | Building Partnerships | Crisis Management | Business Continuity | Emergency Planning | Resilience Training | Government Engagement

Valentis Bridge Ltd is a Resilience and Strategic Security Management Consultancy that brings together the three critical disciplines of counter terrorism, business continuity and emergency planning and applies them to the strategic level resilience platforms in corporations, the CNI sector and NGO's.  It is a solutions company that calls on an unequalled level of in-house capability and a team of globally renowned associates in order to prepare, mitigate and recover vulnerable industries

Brett Lovegrove MA FRSA FSyl    

Managing Director

After a successful career as the Head of Counter Terrorism for the City of London Police in 2008, Brett is today Managing Director of Valentis Bridge Ltd, the Chief Executive of the City Security and Resilience Network (CSARN) covering the UK and Australia and a Director of NHJ Strategic Consulting. His companies address the full spectrum of counter terrorism, business continuity, risk analysis and emergency planning issues featuring both nationally and internationally on defence and organisational solutions. He is also the Chairman of the Defence and Security Committee in the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a Board Member of the Enterprise and Economy Committee; a Visiting Professor at the Marshall Centre (US Military), Germany; a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; a Fellow of the Security Institute; a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management; a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals and lectures at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. 

Brett joined the Metropolitan Police Service in 1978. Over his 30 years of service, he has been posted to uniformed, academic, strategic and senior investigation detective duties. As Head of Counter Terrorism, he also had national responsibility for countering hostile reconnaissance within a successful and continuing public/private partnership called ‘Project Griffin’.  Brett was also a ‘Silver’ commander for CBRN, Firearms, Public Order events and other major events in the UK

Today, he is asked to advise international organisations and governments including the US Congress, the US Department of State, the European Government in The Hague, the sovereign State of Georgia, has worked with the National Counter Terrorism Board in the Netherlands and briefed the Danish and Croatian Parliaments